Monday, August 3, 2020

7 Home Remedies for Sore Throats

Changes in temperature, air conditioning or cold drinks can leave you with sore throats. We can ease the symptoms a little with some natural remedies, which, however, will not prevent you from visiting a specialist for major complications.
Colds, pharyngitis, or tonsillitis cause a terrible sore throat. This can also be a symptom that a cold is about to break out in our body.

If you have such problems, but do not want medicines, then there is a solution. We will tell you some natural remedies to alleviate this very common disease. But with this, we do not aspire to stop any deeper treatment. If you see that the pain persists despite the tricks, we recommend you consult to a specialist.
7 Home Remedies for Sore Throats

Natural relief from sore throat

1/10 Gargle, a classic that does not fail

Like so many other things, our grandmothers were right. Do gargle several times each day with warm salt water allows it to absorb water from the cells of the mucous membrane, which are swollen during constipated.
Just half a tablespoon of salt in a glass of water is enough. Half a minute is more than enough.
  • If you gargle more than three times a day, the mucous membranes can end up drying out, just the opposite we want.

2/10 Choose soup first

And if it's chicken, the better. Although any warm broth will do well, experts especially recommend chicken, vegetables or beef.
  • The soups that do not suit you are tomato, excessively acidic, or those that contain dairy, which increases the production of mucus.

3/10 Taste a tablespoon of honey

Take it like it was candy. Let it sit in the back of your mouth. Honey is an effective antiseptic, that is, it helps fight infectious diseases by destroying the microbes that cause them.
  • Remember that children under one year of age cannot take honey, as it may contain the bacterium Clostridium botulinum that causes botulism in babies.

4/10 Put on a warm cloth

In addition to being extremely pleasant, warm cloths can improve circulation in the throat and help it to deflate.
Dampen a rag with hot water, wring it out, and place it over your throat to take effect.
  • The heat will cause the blood vessels to dilate and help the muscles to relax, reducing pain.

5/10 Take a shower or bath

It is another way to add moisture to the throat. The steam generated by a good hot shower will increase the humidity of the environment, and that of your throat.
  • You can also take a bath and add some herbs and essential oils to the water.

6/10 Try to talk a little less

The ideal way to recover from aphonia as soon as possible is to rest the vocal cords for at least two or three days. If you also try to clear your throat and breathe through your nose and not through your mouth, recovery will be faster.
  • Avoid going to noisy bars or places that force you to raise your voice to communicate.

7/10 Chew on mint candies

It does not matter if they are mint, eucalyptus, orange or lemon, the reason that taking candies relieves your throat irritation is that the saliva produced by chewing them softens the throat.
  • If you are diabetic, choose them without sugar.
Sore throat is usually related to irritation or inflammation of the vocal cords, symptoms that in turn can be the expression of various pathologies such as a cold, aphonia or pharyngitis.
In the above, we have compiled some of the remedies that you can take into account when relieving throat discomfort. From an infusion to a hot shower, there are many options at your disposal.

Foods that relieve sore throat

In addition to teas, honey or caramels, certain foods can be an extra help to stop coughing and reduce discomfort when swallowing:
  • Ice cream: Cold foods help numb pain and the creaminess of ice cream increases the feeling of well-being.
  • Cooked cabbage: Its high antioxidant content makes it your best ally against sore throats.
  • Cooked carrot: It provides vitamin A and improves the immune system.
  • Liquorice: Chewing on this plant relieves sore throat and reduces nervous cough. Some studies demonstrate its balsamic effect on the airways.

Photo by Ramiz Dedaković on Unsplash


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