Monday, August 10, 2020

10 reasons why women should eat garlic every day

What do you do when you find garlic in your food? Perhaps the first reaction is rejection. However, this vegetable has many benefits for your health, especially for women.

10 reasons why women should eat garlic every day

Garlic is a vegetable with a long culinary tradition that has all kinds of benefits for your body. Garlic is rich in antioxidants and alliin. When garlic is triturated, this sulfoxide turns into allicin, which makes it a natural antibiotic that you can take advantage of to reduce these discomforts. We guarantee that when you finish reading this article you will eat it consume it every day.

10 reasons to eat garlic

1/10 Lowers blood pressure

Garlic dilates the blood vessels, thus improves blood circulation.

2/10 End pregnancy fatigue

According to the University of Maryland Medical Center, consuming garlic during pregnancy increases energy and destroys harmful bacteria, fungi, and viruses.  

3/10 Goodbye vaginal infections

Scientists explain that as a natural antibiotic, this vegetable is useful in treating intimate infections, especially those related to candida or candidiasis.

4/10 Lowers the risk of cancer

Women who eat garlic regularly are less likely to develop stomach, colon, esophagus, pancreas and breast cancer.

5/10 Lowers cholesterol

In a study published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, it is explained that garlic oils can lower cholesterol levels, thereby reducing the risk of heart disease.

6/10 Maintains metabolic balance

A study by the Spanish Society of Obstetrics and Gynecology details that consuming a purple garlic a day will help to prevent obesity and maintain a stable weight.

7/10 Excellent healing

It is recommended to consume it during pregnancy, as it has a healing effect, which is useful when you have a cesarean delivery or suffer a perineal tear.

It also effectively relieves nipple lesions during breastfeeding.

8/10 Gestational diabetes

It stimulates the production of insulin, which helps to lower blood sugar levels, especially in pregnancy.

9/10 Reduces painful menstruation episodes

Garlic has both antibiotic and anti-inflammatory properties, thus it is capable of reducing the discomforts such as pain, swelling and bleeding abundant.

10/10 Prevents varicose syndrome

By dilating the blood vessels, it improves circulation and prevents thrombi or clots from developing.

The World Health Organization recommends eating a piece of garlic or between 1.4 and 1.2 grams of powder or 2 to 5 milligrams of oil daily.

If you do not like the taste of garlic, it is best to use it to season your food and thus eat it more easily. 


Image by congerdesign from Pixabay



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